AppImage Package Manager: AppImage sandboxing, local and system installation, update all AppImages, an extensible database of AppImages and portable apps, lists for AppImages and other GNU/Linux binaries, integrate AppImages by drag/drop or install unlisted AppImages, conversion of old AppImage types... and more! Manage AppImages like never before!
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Squirrel Servers Manager (SSM) is a configuration & container manager, powered by Ansible, Docker and Prometheus, to manage all your servers in one place! It focuses on UI/UX and ease of use.
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Over the past few years, a suspicious number of companies have started to "take care of your data", aka block/strictly limit your ability to unlock the bootloader on your own devices.
While this may not affect you directly, it sets a bad precedent. You never know what will get the axe next: Shizuku? ADB? Sideloading? I thought it might be a good idea to keep track of bad companies and workarounds.
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is an musl-based, lightweight, general-purpose Linux distribution, which adopts musl libc and busybox to the latest versions of software with a rolling-release model. It uses pacman for package management.
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